he bei heng xing bag factory is a designer and manufacturer of handbags with professional standard and creativity. we own an separate exhibition hall of product designs and large workshops, providing a series of service of high quality, including design, sample making and production. our products consist of packing bags, fashionable cosmetics bags, handbags, and cases for men and women, with different materials ranging from pvc, lacework, cloth, leather, yarn and other materials.
since the day our factory established, we have won the trust from our new and old clients by moderate price and high quality. our products hold the advantages of originality, no pollution, utility and the long-term effects of public relations.
as we occupy an increasingly large market, we will keep reforming with creativity, go with time, and improve the management of production, so as to satisfy the developingmarket demand. we hold these ideals to cooperate with others with sincerity, that we place our customers in the first place, serving them with excellent design, professional manufacture and best quality. we sincerely hope to be your company to achieve commercial success. we are waiting for your inquiry with appreciation.
he bei heng xing bag factory is a designer and manufacturer of handbags with professional standard and creativity. we own an separate exhibition hall of product designs and large workshops, providing a series of service of high quality, including design, sample making and production. our products consist of packing bags, fashionable cosmetics bags, handbags, and cases for men and women, with different materials ranging from pvc, lacework, cloth, leather, yarn and other materials.
since the day our factory established, we have won the trust from our new and old clients by moderate price and high quality. our products hold the advantages of originality, no pollution, utility and the long-term effects of public relations.
as we occupy an increasingly large market, we will keep reforming with creativity, go with time, and improve the management of production, so as to satisfy the developingmarket demand. we hold these ideals to cooperate with others with sincerity, that we place our customers in the first place, serving them with excellent design, professional manufacture and best quality. we sincerely hope to be your company to achieve commercial success. we are waiting for your inquiry with appreciation.
- 工廠地址:
- 高碑店市 -
- 固定電話:
- (0312) 未核實,僅供參考
- 廠長:
- 郝震
- 郵政編碼:
- 100074
- 傳真號碼:
- 86-312-2920901
- 順企®采購:
- 請賣家聯系我在線采購產品